Welcome to the ACBSP information seminar

Specialised accreditation is a quality assurance tool for academic and vocational training programmes. It enables accredited institutions to meet the required standards in the field of education outlined. Join us on December 29, 2021 at La Falaise Bonanjo from 10am to learn more.

Why ACBSP Accreditation?

L’Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) met en place un standard d’excellence avec un processus d’accréditation basé sur les the Baaldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.


En évaluant les aspects du leadership, de la planification stratégique, des relations avec les parties prenantes, de la qualité des programmes académiques, des qualifications du corps professoral et du soutien pédagogique, l’ACBSP détermine si les programmes de gestion offrent ou non une expérience pédagogique rigoureuse et un engagement envers l’amélioration continue de la qualité.

L’approche de l’ACBSP en matière d’enseignement et d’apprentissage centrée sur l’étudiant, dont la qualité est mesurée et analysée, garantit que les étudiants acquièrent les bonnes compétences grâce à leur investissement éducatif. Les établissements dont les programmes sont accrédités par l’ACBSP s’engagent à une amélioration continue qui garantit que leur programme d’affaires donnera aux étudiants les compétences recherchées par les employeurs.

ACBSP in brief

Founded in 1988

1200 Member campuses in 60 countries

1st accrediting body for business schools to publish a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

Only specialist accreditation body that sponsors a teaching excellence awards programme.

Objectives of the information seminar

ACBSP collage
Germain Pichop

Topics to be covered


Germain Pichop, PhD, LSSGB

Professor Germain Pichop is an economist, digital economy strategist and quality management expert with over 20 years of experience. He is currently a professor of Business Administration at East Central University (Ada, Oklahoma) and former Head of the Business Department at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC), where he was previously Co-Director of the Center of Excellence in International Business.
He is a member of the ACBSP Board of Directors as Secretary General of the Board and a member of its Executive Committee.


07.30 am

Workshop, Registration of participants

08.30 am

Breakfast/Coffee service

09.30 am

Conference Kick-Off

10.30 am

Coffee break

11.30 am


01.00 pm

Closing of the Conference + awarding of participation diplomas
Standing cocktail


Téléchargez le formulaire ou le dossier de participation au séminaire d’information de l’Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

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